Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities Master's


Digital Humanities Finland - Essetter

Slides: · Torsten Schrade, Akademie Mainz | Twitter  Description. Åbo Akademi University offers for bachelor degree students a subsidiary module (25 ECTS) that consists of two obligatory IT  Kungliga tekniska högskolan och Kungliga biblioteket bjuder in till det allra första Digital Humanities Stockholm-eventet. Oxford. Foto: Howard Stanbury CC BY-NC-SA.

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The Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School offers training to anyone with an interest in the Digital Humanities, including academics at all career stages, students, project managers, and people who work in IT, libraries, and cultural heritage. デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ(digital humanities, デジタル人文学 、人文情報学 )は、コンピューティングと人文科学(humanities)諸分野との接点に関する研究、調査、教育、および考案を行う学問分野である。 Teaching either of my classes (Digital Humanities Across Borders AKA Multilingual DH, or Project Management and Ethical Collaboration for Humanists AKA the DH RPG class) has a way of being all-consuming, and having over 20 students made it Die Digital Humanities (zu deutsch "Digitale Geisteswissenschaften") sind eine relativ junge Disziplin, die in den letzten Jahren im Zuge der gestiegenen Verfügbarkeit digitaler Daten stark an Bedeutung gewonnen hat. Sie beschäftigen sich mit der Schnittstelle zwischen Geisteswissenschaften und Informatik. The University of Oxford is world-renowned for its scholarship in the Digital Humanities. We have a wide range of innovative and exciting People & Projects in this field, together with an extensive programme of Support, Training, and News & Events. 2021-04-02 · The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) is a consortiumthat develops and maintains a standard for the representation of texts in digital form.

Doing Digital Humanities : Concepts, Approaches, Cases

The digital humanities is an emerging field of scholarly endeavor that has come into prominence in recent years. Defined broadly as the application of digital technologies to humanities scholarship and teaching, the digital humanities involves a range of approaches that include algorithmic literary criticism, new models of “distant reading,” the use of network theory to examine historical Digital Humanities & Film Studies: Analyzing the Modalities of Moving Images Editors: Manuel Burghardt, Adelheid Heftberger, Johannes Pause, Niels-Oliver Walkowski, Matthias Zeppelzauer Front Matter Digital humanities has also, I would propose, lately been galvanized by a group of younger (or not so young) graduate students, faculty members (both tenure line and contingent), and other academic professionals who now wield the label “digital humanities” instrumentally amid an increasingly monstrous institutional terrain defined by Humanities studies the big questions about human culture and society. Digital Humanities applies digital tools to the study of these big questions.

Digital humanities

Digital Humanities 25 ECTS, 2018 Studiehandboken

Digital humanities

Digital Humanities MSc. This programme, along with its sibling MA programme, draws together teaching and expertise from a wide range of disciplines to investigate the application of computational technologies to the arts, humanities and cultural heritage. The term “Digital Humanities” (DH) became popular in the early 2000s for scholarly work at the intersection of technology and the humanities. It simultaneously describes a community of practice, a research program, a set of methods, a constellation of publication venues, and a collective ethos that have all stubbornly defied definition since the term first came into use. Introduction Digital Humanities: The Expanded Field. Lauren F. Klein and Matthew K. Gold. I f the publication of the first volume of Debates in the Digital Humanities in 2012 marked the “digital humanities moment,” this volume—and the series that will bear its name—confirms that the digital humanities, as a field, has arrived.

The programme leads to a Master of Arts (120 credits) with Digital Humanities as the main field of study. Digital Image Sonification As Synesthetic AudioVisual Digital Humanities Michael J. Kramer, SUNY Brockport Abstract [en] Computers have the capacity to transpose the pixels, shapes, and other features of visual material into sound. Digital Humanities Johns Hopkins University has been a driving force in the integration of traditional humanities methods of inquiry and the emerging technologies of the digital age.
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Digital humanities have broken with a “human” and readerly scale, replacing it with the radical discontinuity of Micro and Mega: a change of landscape that is incredibly promising, but for which we haven’t yet found the right categories. This project is an empirical investigation and conceptual reflection of this new state of affairs.
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Study Digital Humanities University of Gothenburg

Se hela listan på 2020-10-12 · Whether or not digital humanities, this hard to define field/thing, has certain values inherent to it, may be equally hard to prove, but many DH projects, often due to their digital nature, do have characteristics and traits in common to the point where one can see a community of practice built around, supported by, an interested in building upon, a set of common values. Source - What are the boundaries of the humanities? What are the new forms of production of knowledge?

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Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Gothenburg

[= Digital Humanities – Humanities in a Digital Age]. The field of Digital Humanities is becoming more exciting as the number of low-cost or free mobile and desktop applications flood the market allowing users to  Tech Breakfast: Digital Humanities and Art History. tor. 6. maj.

Communication for Development: Advancement

Digital Humanities applies digital tools to the study of these big questions. With the Digital Humanities (DH) Minor, you’ll learn about how technology is shaping the world, and you’ll also get hands-on experience with digital tools to explore humanities questions. “The Digital Life Project” is a model that emerged out of faculty collaborative research and digital humanities pedagogy that is supported by the D-Lab, an organization that works closely with the Digital Humanities at Berkeley Initiative as a partner.

It is methodological by nature and interdisciplinary in scope. The Programs in Digital Humanities supports a DH-focused, collaboration-based seed grant program that allows Faculty and Staff to be in residence in the lab and work closely with undergraduate students, postdocs, and technical professionals to create projects related to their research and teaching. Digital Philology reveals alternative modes of contact for medieval scholars, librarians, and archivists specializing in medieval studies and medieval texts, made possible by the emergence of digital resources and by engagement with the digital humanities. The journal includes scholarly essays, manuscript studies, and reviews of relevant The digital and data revolutions have transformed our world. For students of the humanities, these revolutions have made new kinds of study possible. In our Summer Minor or Certificate Program in the Digital Humanities, you will explore questions about art and culture using digital tools. The digital humanities is an emerging field of scholarly endeavor that has come into prominence in recent years.